Is it true today that when people pray,
cloudless skies will break...
and the blind set free...
With the fire of God, and the truth in hand
We'll see miracles, we'll see angels sing,
We'll see broken hearts making history
yes it's true and I believe it
I'm living for you
I'm gonna be a history maker in this land...
I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna run
Into your arms, into your arms again...
History Maker- Delirious?
-thoughts in a nutshell-
:.snake wisdom.:
and she smiled,
like her youth,
soft light innocence,
shattering instance,
I knew her once,
perhaps thrice,
I can't remember,
her laughter,
I never saw her,
after you came,
mayhap twas liveth
or was it death?
eyes of the young,
she was beautiful,
perhaps I was delusional,
I can't recall,
you took her away,
from me,
she was an epitome,
of what cannot be,
you drew your sword,
and killed her,
without hesitation,
thought of inclination,
gone now,
the dream I have,
darkness seeps,
tears that weeps,
she was innocent,
you killed her,
I paid the fee,
for- she was me.
[Gen 2:13]
Really nothing much to say.
if you don't know, I can't explain it to you... (ask Nay, Danie, Fishy boy [Marky fish] or Yv...- they'd be better at explaining it than I would)... Christian music festival is as far as I can explain it
But I'm excited about going... ! Soon very soon ^_^ my pretty *crackles*
:bubble bubble toil and trouble:
I've been in a quirky mood lately- which is allowing me to procrastinate a whole lot- work is piling up slowly collecting dust... and dust mites... ...
So there is creative spark in me once more, inspired by all these drawings I have been looking at the past two days straight... yes... I don't have much of a life outside my computer. I am the term called- iNterNeT JunKiE..dum dum dum *collective gasps*
Alas, I digress- creativeness also creates restlessness if you're unable to release it... so here's a little thing I want to try out- think of the first thing (or two) that pops in your mind and place it under comments and I'll see what I can do with it either that or put down a theme :P... I feel like challenging myself in drawing -_-;; ... anything I s'pose- hehe it'll be a great help thanks.
I've decided that I really want a camera... there are so many breathless beautiful things out there! And the camera phone doesn't cut it- although it's a very good camera... there are so many creations out there which people overlook- they're too use to its natural beauty they don't bother any more... it's a shame really... when was the last time people went out of their houses just to smell the flowers? Or the last time someone decided to go kite flying because it was a beautiful windy day, or even just lay in the grass and watched the clouds go by...
People are too caught up in their lives that they don't see what creation has given us, what simple beauty surrounds us. Too busy with problems, work, money, routines... than just simply appreciating the life surrounding us.
:watch the flowers bloom:
(all these photos were taken by my camera phone, right after I finished typing up my ranting haha- well at least you can't call me a hyprocrite. It was a 10 minute walk around my street)
Playing Nay's game: five weird things about me. (there are too many actually- top noticable five are...)
1. my study notes must be absolutely perfect. I can't stand notes if my handwriting is not written perfectly, nor one small spelling mistake... they are thrown away/ripped up and written once more. Needless to say I write things almost 5 times again- even if it just says 'neuroscience'
2. I'm a self proclaimed book nazi, my books cannot be: bent by the spine (spine breaking), folded (doggy tagging or ears), underlined, dirtied... they must be in perfect condition.
3. I talk to myself. Especially during exam time and periods when there is no one around to talk to... not those
"you're so silly" sort of comments... I have full blown conversations with myself.... exam period is worse... I also talk in third person when I'm tired...
4. I don't like crockcroaches or things with stingers on their butts (bees and wasps as such)... or needles for that fact.. can't stand them
5. I have a restuarant etiquette... for 'all you can eat' restuarants... well I wouldn't call it etiquette... it's more like a routine.
6. I'm friends with Nay... and Angela... ... (weird enough I'd say)
Silly/funny things of late
Group chatting with Mark, Daniel and Renee and talking about highlighting everyone's hair outrageous colours- Daniel in particular doesn't want his hair blue... (just so you know, Daniel and Renee are going out)
Daniel: I don't want blue, Mark tell them that black is in or something
Mark:... black is the new fashion statement
Daniel: see! And you can't go against Mark's guru fashion tastes
Nay: Are you saying that Mark has better taste than me??
*pause in the conversation*
Daniel: ... I'm getting blue streaks
Man... ... my poor little brother hehe :P
Group of us sitting down whilst Amber pulls out two funsize cadbury chocolates
Agatha: *contemplates* I don't see why they call it funsize... I mean its too small to be called funsize, they should be called TORTURE SIZE...
Alex: *cracks up* trust you to think that...
Agatha: *pulls out her own funsize chocolate* it's torture size!!!
cloudless skies will break...
and the blind set free...
With the fire of God, and the truth in hand
We'll see miracles, we'll see angels sing,
We'll see broken hearts making history
yes it's true and I believe it
I'm living for you
I'm gonna be a history maker in this land...
I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna run
Into your arms, into your arms again...
History Maker- Delirious?
-thoughts in a nutshell-
:.snake wisdom.:
and she smiled,
like her youth,
soft light innocence,
shattering instance,
I knew her once,
perhaps thrice,
I can't remember,
her laughter,
I never saw her,
after you came,
mayhap twas liveth
or was it death?
eyes of the young,
she was beautiful,
perhaps I was delusional,
I can't recall,
you took her away,
from me,
she was an epitome,
of what cannot be,
you drew your sword,
and killed her,
without hesitation,
thought of inclination,
gone now,
the dream I have,
darkness seeps,
tears that weeps,
she was innocent,
you killed her,
I paid the fee,
for- she was me.
[Gen 2:13]
Really nothing much to say.
if you don't know, I can't explain it to you... (ask Nay, Danie, Fishy boy [Marky fish] or Yv...- they'd be better at explaining it than I would)... Christian music festival is as far as I can explain it
But I'm excited about going... ! Soon very soon ^_^ my pretty *crackles*
:bubble bubble toil and trouble:
I've been in a quirky mood lately- which is allowing me to procrastinate a whole lot- work is piling up slowly collecting dust... and dust mites... ...
So there is creative spark in me once more, inspired by all these drawings I have been looking at the past two days straight... yes... I don't have much of a life outside my computer. I am the term called- iNterNeT JunKiE..dum dum dum *collective gasps*
Alas, I digress- creativeness also creates restlessness if you're unable to release it... so here's a little thing I want to try out- think of the first thing (or two) that pops in your mind and place it under comments and I'll see what I can do with it either that or put down a theme :P... I feel like challenging myself in drawing -_-;; ... anything I s'pose- hehe it'll be a great help thanks.
I've decided that I really want a camera... there are so many breathless beautiful things out there! And the camera phone doesn't cut it- although it's a very good camera... there are so many creations out there which people overlook- they're too use to its natural beauty they don't bother any more... it's a shame really... when was the last time people went out of their houses just to smell the flowers? Or the last time someone decided to go kite flying because it was a beautiful windy day, or even just lay in the grass and watched the clouds go by...
People are too caught up in their lives that they don't see what creation has given us, what simple beauty surrounds us. Too busy with problems, work, money, routines... than just simply appreciating the life surrounding us.
:watch the flowers bloom:
(all these photos were taken by my camera phone, right after I finished typing up my ranting haha- well at least you can't call me a hyprocrite. It was a 10 minute walk around my street)
Playing Nay's game: five weird things about me. (there are too many actually- top noticable five are...)
1. my study notes must be absolutely perfect. I can't stand notes if my handwriting is not written perfectly, nor one small spelling mistake... they are thrown away/ripped up and written once more. Needless to say I write things almost 5 times again- even if it just says 'neuroscience'
2. I'm a self proclaimed book nazi, my books cannot be: bent by the spine (spine breaking), folded (doggy tagging or ears), underlined, dirtied... they must be in perfect condition.
3. I talk to myself. Especially during exam time and periods when there is no one around to talk to... not those
"you're so silly" sort of comments... I have full blown conversations with myself.... exam period is worse... I also talk in third person when I'm tired...
4. I don't like crockcroaches or things with stingers on their butts (bees and wasps as such)... or needles for that fact.. can't stand them
5. I have a restuarant etiquette... for 'all you can eat' restuarants... well I wouldn't call it etiquette... it's more like a routine.
6. I'm friends with Nay... and Angela... ... (weird enough I'd say)
Silly/funny things of late
Group chatting with Mark, Daniel and Renee and talking about highlighting everyone's hair outrageous colours- Daniel in particular doesn't want his hair blue... (just so you know, Daniel and Renee are going out)
Daniel: I don't want blue, Mark tell them that black is in or something
Mark:... black is the new fashion statement
Daniel: see! And you can't go against Mark's guru fashion tastes
Nay: Are you saying that Mark has better taste than me??
*pause in the conversation*
Daniel: ... I'm getting blue streaks
Man... ... my poor little brother hehe :P
Group of us sitting down whilst Amber pulls out two funsize cadbury chocolates
Agatha: *contemplates* I don't see why they call it funsize... I mean its too small to be called funsize, they should be called TORTURE SIZE...
Alex: *cracks up* trust you to think that...
Agatha: *pulls out her own funsize chocolate* it's torture size!!!